Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Post #156
Today's thankfuls:
- Officially signed up for the Anthropology minor today!
- My momma
- I discovered today that the wrappers of my cough drops had inspirational messages written on them! i.e. "Don't give up on yourself." Nice discovery during class.
- Rainy weather that improved because of cancelled class. :)
- Lunch with M- for the first time this school year.
- Hosting an accepted senior from California. I know her parents really liked me...I hope she enjoyed her visit and chooses to come here.
- Starting filming the Outskirts version of "Friday." So funny.
- Being done (ish) with work at midnight!
- Laundry. Clean clothes that smell good are the best.
- A new set of watercolors, paper, brushes, and a palette. I'm ready to explore my right brain.

1 comment:

  1. I recently discovered the inspirational sayings on cough drops too! lol. and congrats on your minor! and I hope the blue stains go away!

