Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fortress of Solitude

Post #151
Gloomy, rainy days are not a favorite.

Today's thankfuls:
- Sleeping at 5, waking up at 9, not drinking coffee, and still staying awake for all my classes. Look up the word miracle in my dictionary and that would be the definition.
- Just found out that I won a grant from my school for a summer stipend for an internship in the communications field. Awesome news...but not so great part: it's obviously contingent upon me getting an internship, which has yet to happen. So...fingers crossed?
- Three people (including me) showing up for sectionals, and canceling sectionals. Haha. Sad, but great.
- Nap. How I'm functioning right now.
- Nutella. Always makes life a brighter place.
- Students setting up the science center for April Fool's Day...always a fun sight. This year's theme? Harry Potter. But of course.

Black Squirrel

Post #150: Dedicated to: You're Not Listening; The Rescues

Today's thankfuls:
- Not falling asleep in class. Always a good thing.
- Being at work but not actually working and instead, chatting with admissions counselors and friends. Also always a good thing.
- Starbucks & CVS with A-! Love.
- Being done with FAB interview! I am not a very good interviewer. They make me too nervous.
- Deciding (almost) to make our own parody music video of Haverford's version of Friday by Rebecca Black. YES.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

You Sly Fox

Post #149: Dedicated to: We're Ok; The Rescues

The Rescues - Let Loose the Horses - definitely one of my fave albums this year. Or ever.

Today's thankfuls:
- Getting snail mail. (and The Rescues CD!)
- Being absurd with friends.
- M-'s coming for Haverfest!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Post #148

Muchas gracias para:
- People who think they are better than you and are quick to criticize, not praise. I'm not going to despise you or think ill of you. I'm going to be thankful for you, and I will pray for you.
- A- and C- who keep me company and keep me sane. So glad we are soul sistas.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Post #147
Today's thankfuls:
- Mass with the usual crew. It definitely felt good to be reunited with everyone again.
- Going to the darkroom (but getting there late to excess napping) for clean-up, expecting an hour or longer, and leaving in twenty minutes. I owe a lot to my classmates.
- So many fun times with A-.

Yeah, not a lot happened today. Partly due to the fact that I really just slept a lot. :)

Suddenly I See

Post #146: Dedicated to: Take On Me; A-Ha

I am currently in the computer lab because my laptop is sitting in the trunk of a friend's car. Thus this post is also late (surprise surprise!).

But today was truly a wonderful day. I had a nice break from schoolwork and had a lot of fun.

So without further ado:

Today's thankfuls:
- Meeting all (well, many) of the Outskirts alumnae, singing awesome, fun, hilarious songs, eating delicious food, and performing. I love the Skirts.
- Dancing. Dancing is just very much fun.

That is all, but that made up my entire day/night. And indeed, 'twas a blast.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Rescues

Post #145: Dedicated to: My Heart With You; the Rescues

Today's thankfuls:
- Good hosting session with parents and prospective students.
- A little me time with a trip into Philly.
- Catching up with K-.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dr. Horrible

Post #144: Dedicated to: I Will Come For You; Jack Dolgen

Ahh! Three minutes!

Today's thankfuls:
- It's Thursday. You know what that means: weekend!
- Finishing an assignment for the weekend and getting ahead on my work.
- Watching Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog...again. So good.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dodging and Burning

Post #143: Dedicated to: The Sweet Escape; Gwen Stefani

Today's thankfuls:
- Constructive criticism. I really need to work on getting better at receiving criticism from others. And at growing a thicker skin and not taking things so personally. But getting criticism and feedback on my photos this quarter will hopefully help me with that.
- The Skirts CD is DONE, finally. After years and years and so much money, it's finally done. Finally. Done. (If you want to support us and buy one, let me know! (; )
- Apple cinnamon soy chips, kettle cooked chips, fruit snacks and chai tea.
- Head hugs with F-. And the rest of the Outskirts.

Watermelon Fruity Twists

Post #142

Dang. My timing really stinks.

Today, I am thankful for:
- Sleep. Lots of sleep. Naps.
- Feeling safe, happy, and content when I'm surrounded my friends and people who care about me.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Post #141: Dedicated to: Winter Shades of Pale; by Christian Lander

I've been on the strugglebus for quite some time. In fact, some of my friends would go so far as to say I'm driving it. Or lost on it. Or lost in it. Or, driving it, and got lost.

Suffice to say, today was one of those strugglebus mornings.

I mean, really, when you just don't hear any of your multiple alarms go off, what are you supposed to do?


Some silver linings:
- Although I overslept, I did get a decent 5 hours, which is more than I've slept since Thursday.
- Learned to print contact sheets and enlarge photos. Sadly, my photos were lame because I hurriedly took them all in a span of about 20 minutes, of random trees on campus while I would be walking to work/lunch/class. So hopefully my next roll looks better.
- It wasn't raining whenever I was outside.
- A nap.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Post 140: Dedicated to: Carry Me; Audrey Assad

It was brought to my attention that my blog, which I try to keep relatively private, is, indeed, on the internet, which is not a private medium of writing at all.

So if you are someone who found my blog, please keep reading as much as you like – I'm not going to stop you. I will warn you, however, that things get a little personal at times. Some days I like to keep things (or rather, I attempt to keep things) light and airy, but other days, this just is not the case, since as the days go by, I realize I created this blog not only to keep my close friends from home updated, but also as a way for me to vocalize my thoughts (however mundane) in written form, so that I might grow as a person and learn more about myself in this process.

So feel free to join in on learning about me as I learn about myself. But don't talk – just listen. And please, don't judge. Oh, and say hi!

In the meantime...the list of things to do just never ends. And, I realize, will not end until the semester is over. Sad times.

Anyway, today I am thankful for:
- Silliness

Karaoke Party

Post #139

Yep! It's past today, again. But that's okay.

Today's thankfuls:
- Fun photobooth pictures when you are super busy and loaded with work but need a break. Friends are great.
- A delicious dinner and fun trip into Philly with D-. Yummy tacos and new books? Yes, please!
- Studying in Zubrow with fun friends who like to sing karaoke at 2 a.m. when we think no one else is in the room. Quote of the night: "but I don't want to poop." You'll have to imagine the context for yourself.
- Finding little notes of encouragement from D- everywhere. In my drawer, my the best!

Friday, March 18, 2011

It's Friday

Post #138: Dedicated to Friday; Rebecca Black

Yes, I think this song is ridiculous. But you just have to laugh. And then seriously ask, what seat can I take???

Today's thankfuls:
- Finishing and submitting a paper.
- Registering for classes in Copenhagen: I will be taking - Hans Christian Andersen and the Golden Age, Copenhagen: History and Contemporary Urban Issues, Danish Language and Culture I, Creative Industries: Business and Innovation, and Cultural Conflict: Immigration, Integration, and Recognition. I am beyond excited. If you could measure brain waves of excitement, mine would be off the charts.
- Being a panelist for a group of high school freshmen from a charter school in New Jersey. Made me realize a few things and makes me question what I want my future to be...
- A delicious dinner at the opening of the "Possible Cities" exhibit.
- Watching a bi-co production of Chicago and supporting M-.
- Getting a ride back from a kind friend instead of waiting twenty more minutes for the bus.
- More great friends who invite me over to do work at their place instead of sitting in my room, on the fourth floor, while the ridiculous noise of the band in the basement causes my walls and floor to shake. Literally, they're reverberating so much, there is a continual buzzing sound.
- One week down, six more to go.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Post #137: Dedicated to: Here I Am to Worship

Tonight, I attended a talk by Kim Phuc, otherwise known as "the Girl in the Picture." She is the nine-year-old girl in the image, caught in the middle of a napalm bombing.

It was incredible, and so moving, but most of all, what I loved about her story was her reliance and dependence and complete faith in God.

She talked about forgiveness, and how much of a struggle it was to be able to forgive the pilots who controlled the air-strike – the ones that almost killed her. She was only able to achieve it through patience, prayer, and a long, long, long time of trust in God.

She started the Kim Foundation to help children that were victims of war. In the middle of one of the videos depicting her in Africa with orphans, I recognized a song that was playing: Here I Am to Worship. You may not know this, but at Steubenville two summers ago, on the first night of praise, we sang this song. It was a culmination of things during the entire first day that we were there, but at that moment, when I was singing those words: "Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, here I am to say that you're my God...", I finally realized how much of a sinner I was, especially towards my parents, and how I needed God in my life. And it choked me up and made me cry, and I had to stop singing to compose myself. I'll never forget that moment, or that song. So when it played in the felt like a sign to me.

"We cannot change history, but with love we can heal the future."

Kim Phuc is an amazing, amazing, amazing woman. She is so, so strong – not just physically, in overcoming pain that still haunts her to this day, but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and I am honored to have heard her speak tonight.

So, without further ado, today I am thankful for:
- An absolutely beautiful day, perfect temperature, full of sunshine.
- Canceled classes.
- An evening with Kim Phuc, because I feel like it is going to change my life.
- D-'s arrival for the weekend.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"First of All, It's Women."

Post #136: Dedicated to: Come As You Are; Nirvana

It has been a long day. And it shall be an even longer day tomorrow, and an extremely long (but fun) weekend after that. Hooray for long days?

Today's thank-you's:
- Company at lunch. Most days I eat was nice to have someone to chat and laugh with! (And tell the Bryn Mawr joke to. I swear, it never gets old.)
- Talking to an alum who also studied abroad in Denmark who is in town this week and graciously met with me to talk about/fawn over Copenhagen.
- Learning how to develop film. (P-, I tried rolling an old roll of film onto the reel in the dark, and I did okay...but that was just practice, and I haven't actually done my roll yet, so hopefully it works out okay! I also hope I'm not allergic to the developer fluid or the fixer...)
- Baked squash at dinner. Delicious.
- That song "Friday" by Rebecca Black. Oh my goodness.
- When hard work really pays off.

Going Out on a High Note

Post #135

This is so bad. I keep missing my thankfuls for the day! Although to be fair, I was without internet from 10 pm till half an hour ago. But anyway...

Today I am thankful for:
- Professors who meet with me to give me advice and feedback.
- Chai tea with soy milk (which is apparently a new favorite drink) at Milkboy Coffee. Next week, I plan to go back and stay for their open mic night! (But not sing. Just watch. For now?)
- Surprise birthday parties.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Post #134: Dedicated to: Hate (I Really Don't Like You); Plain White T's

Today's thankfuls:
- A really delicious lunch today: turkey sandwich with mustard and provolone and french fries. It really hit the spot.
- The start of my photography class. Here's to long nights in the darkroom!
- Being able to break into my room (with the help of my suitemate and a plastic card) and avoid getting billed $25 for having Safety & Security come and open my door. Because I locked my key in my room. Again. (It's a downward spiral, people.)
- Reuniting with friends, staying up late in the science center doing work. Good times.

I hope the caption to the picture is legible. This is what could happen in Copenhagen! Hahaha....fingers crossed?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Our Mother of Good Counsel

Post #133: Dedicated to: Your Love; The Outfield

Today, I am thankful for:
- Father David's homilies and mass at OMGC.
- Anjou pears.
- An incredibly kind bus driver who drove me back from Bryn Mawr when I stupidly missed the earlier bus.
- The thought of 60 degree weather this weekend.
- Sunday night phone calls from Dad.
- Eye drops for when my eyes are failing me and tea for when my brain is failing me.

(p.s....didn't even realize my blog had hit a one-year anniversary! Well, then. Happy Birthday to you, blog!)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Peace. Love. Goodness.

Post #132: Dedicated to: If I Ruled the World; Tony Bennett

Today's silver linings:
- Tony Bennett
- Sitting at Saxby's, drinking wonderful chai tea, consuming frozen yogurt, and conversing with a cute gentleman, all whilst being productive and getting work done.
- Lean pockets and stuffed peppers


Post 131: Dedicated to: Dress and Tie; Charlene Kaye feat. Darren Criss

We're going to pretend it's still March 11.

Today's thankfuls:
- A good bus ride back home (i.e. no flat tires or uncomfortable seat partner)
- Perfectly timed bus and septa arrival.
- The fact that my aunt, uncle, and two-year-old cousin in Japan are safe - a few dishes broke, but the family is fine.
- Having the ability (and the extra time) to sleep and take five hour naps.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Georgetown Cupcake

Post #130: Dedicated to: Banana Pancakes; Jack Johnson

(Love the red balloons – a perfect touch!)

Today's thankfuls:
- Delicious red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting
- Shelter from the rain
- Being lucky enough to live in a country where I have freedom and rights.
- Georgetown
- Going home tomorrow afternoon
- Catching up with Mom

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Loud and Proud

Post #129: Dedicated to: The House You're Building; Audrey Assad

There's a jumble of thoughts in my head that have been swirling around on my walk home from mass, so hopefully they'll come out in a somewhat organized, cohesive manner.

I was lucky enough to meet up with an old friend from junior high and high school at GWU for Ash Wednesday mass, and I'm so glad I went.

It's always such a pleasure to see devoted college students, taking time out of their busy lives on a weekday for mass, even if it is a Holy Day of Obligation. And it always strikes me just how many Catholic college students there are, especially because at Haverford, I can probably count all of the (active in their faith) Catholic college students on one hand. (Okay, maybe two.)

That being said, I love going to mass on a college campus. Or going to mass with a priest who teaches at a university. There's something about the way Father says the homily that makes it accessible and understandable to students my age. He gets it. He gets us. And it makes mass that much more meaningful.

I also truly wish my school had a better Catholic ministry. Or maybe a larger Catholic ministry? My friend was telling me about FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) ministries at his school, and how they're there to be extra lines of communication to God, to lead Bible studies, help you develop your faith and change your life...I wish I could be involved in a Bible study. I wish there were post-college students on my campus readily available to help me through any spiritual crises and hard times, to help me be closer to God.

Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like had I gone to a Catholic school - Fordham, Notre Dame, Catholic University of America...would I have had more of a chance to grow in my faith? To become a better Catholic? Is that more important than getting a top-notch education? Because I think today I finally admitted to myself and accepted that I'm not as faithful, as devoted, as good a Catholic as I should be, as my friends or my mom are, or as others think I am. I'm not ashamed to be Catholic. Not at all. But am I proud, especially in public places? Not really. I get too concerned with what those around me will think or judge.

But I walked home from mass bearing the cross on my forehead, and I did not go into Starbucks to use the bathroom and erase it. (Yes, I'm ashamed to admit I contemplated it.) I'm ready to work at being proud, being LOUD and PROUD of who I am: a Catholic.

I'm so grateful to God for bringing me to mass (and confession) with M- today. Father Greg was discussing prayer in his homily, and he mentioned how it might just start with telling God you love him, and thanking him. One of my Lenten promises is going to involve just that, and this blog. I'll post everyday for the next 40 days things that happened that day that I am grateful for, and it will be a little mini-prayer to God.

So today, I am thankful for:
- Friendly people in Washington D.C. Two tenants in the building have said hello to me when we're awkwardly in the lobby together, and I've received a few smiles and nods from people in the street.
- A very generous extern host who feeds me, lets me come and go as I please, and gives me a place to sleep at night.
- Friends who keep in touch.

I'm on my way.

Rainy Days

Post 128: Dedicated to: Trust; Generationals

Christoph Niemann is an incredibly innovative, creative, comedic artist. Or a very innovative, creative, artistic comedian.

The simple silliness of his works makes me smile.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Capitol Hill

Post #127
This morning I sat in a conference room at the Rayburn House Office building listening to a Palestinian woman and Israeli man discuss the implications and disastrous consequences of America's constant funding of Israel and its military.

I can't describe how incredible it was to be there. For the past two days, I've been reading about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on wikipedia, in old news articles, in a manuscript dedicated to finding a peaceful resolution to this struggle that has been going on for decades. Human rights violations are occurring every single day in places like Gaza, and I didn't even know about it before the beginning of this week. So it was incredible for me to be there, witnessing these two people (who by their very backgrounds are expected by the world to be the worst of enemies) peacefully inform the audience about the realities of life in Gaza and the Israeli army, and the money that goes behind funding such a brutally violent force.

Today, I feel as though my life might be better spent in dedication to such issues, in opposition to human rights violations and in support of peace and justice.

It's incredible to be in a city where so much political talk takes place – yet the political actions that follow never fail to fail.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dupont Circle

Post #126: Dedicated to: Nice Dream; Radiohead

Currently sitting in a small apartment in Washington D.C., reading and editing a manuscript with a cup of green tea and a Trader Joe's cookie by my side. It doesn't get much better than this.

I can see myself doing this for the rest of my life. Reading manuscripts in the comfort of my home, editing grammar, content, and structure, making sure things flow as they should.

On the other hand, got an email today with instructions on registering for DIS (Danish Institute for Study Abroad), and I had a mini panic attack. It's just so soon! I thought I was ready – wait, I am ready...I was just caught off guard by how quickly time passes by. Just five more months, and I'll be on a plane to Copenhagen. Crazy.


Post #125: Dedicated to: Again; Natasha Bedingfield

"Don't depend too much on the American Dream. I think you might get disappointed.";photovideo

Watch the video to learn more about why Denmark might be the happiest country in the world.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fab Five Fridays version 2.0

Post #124: Dedicated to: Sing; My Chemical Romance

(Photo cred to Matt and Katie photographers)

My Fab Five Fridays have transformed into...Super Six Sundays?

1) My last day of bowling. Did I reach 100? Sadly, no. My best score ranged somewhere within the 80s. Sad. But, I actually had a good time bowling this quarter. Perhaps I will take up bowling again my senior year and finally reach my goal...

2) BOGO Chipotle burritos on Tuesday night. Best thing since Nutella on sliced bread.

3) 12:50 a.m. on Tuesday night - when my scholarship application finally submitted online. It was due at 1 a.m. Cutting it close? Yes. Was it completely my fault? Maybe like 75%.

4) Hanging out and talking with my suite on Thursday night. Perfectly relaxing way to spend an evening.

5) BOGO Chipotle burritos Friday afternoon. Again? Why, yes. Are you surprised? No.

6) My schedule for the past two days: Sleep in until 3 or 4 p.m. Wake up. Eat. Sleep. Wake up. Watch movies. Eat. Sleep.