Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ready or Not

Post #255: Dedicated to: Catch Me; Demi Lovato

I leave tomorrow for 10 weeks in Ghana. Ready or not, I'm going. And I think I'm leaning on the side of the latter. My bag isn't still fully packed, mostly because I'm pretty sure my one big suitcase is well over 50 lbs. And my carry-on duffel bag is full of books, books, and books. You know what this means...more lbs. And that's just the start. 

Oh man. Well. Ready or not, I'm leaving on a plane tomorrow to Ghana. 

(p.s. This is the coolest driveway ever.)

Monday, May 28, 2012


Post #254: Dedicated to: Space Oddity; David Bowie

Commencing countdown engines on...

This past weekend I was in upstate New York attending my brother's commencement ceremony. Just the simple procession of graduates into the football stadium took an entire hour, split up by school, starting with the Ph.D candidates, law students, school of veterinary medicine students, then the M.A. candidates, then finally the undergraduate candidates by school, like College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, College of Engineering, College of Architecture, Art, and Planning, College of Arts and Sciences... 

After sitting through that, and then trying to find my brother in the massive hordes of black-robed twenty-something-year olds exiting the stadium, I can say with certainty that I am really really really really really really really glad I go to a small college.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

DC & Starkid

Post #253: Dedicated to: We Are Young; Fun

On Wednesday night, some friends and I decided on a whim to go watch Darren Criss and Starkid perform at the House of Blues in LA. It turned out to be a good night, but I do confess, traffic, waiting in line, and waiting an hour for the show to start didn't get me in the best of moods early on.

But goodness gracious, so many screaming teenage girls for this guy. Who was pretty good, I must admit. But still. So. Much. Screaming. And crying, too. It was insane. And kind of just plain funny.

And then later Darren and Charlene Kaye sang "Dress and Tie." Yes.

 And then came Starkid! I loved listening to A Very Potter Musical, live. How insanely talented do they have to be to come up with all of those musicals? The lines, the music, the choreography...I wish I was half as creative [as Clark...]! ;)

Off to Cornell tomorrow (for the first and probably last time) to see my big brother graduate!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Getting Ready

Post #252: Dedicated to: Life is Beautiful; the Afters

Oh man. It has been pretty much a full two months since I've posted...to my very many, dedicated fans and readers (ha), I sincerely apologize. I guess part of me really doesn't think my life is all that interesting, so there isn't much for me to blog! That and this semester was crazy. Crazy busy, crazy challenging, a crazy adjustment coming back from Denmark.

I guess I'll finally admit it to myself – I'm a senior now. A senior. That fact, in and of itself, is crazy.

Now I'm home...but somehow it feels different than before. I used to crave being home; I used to need to be home by the time breaks came around – but now, it's not like that. I would have been absolutely fine staying at school for a few more weeks, months, years? I would have loved to spend more time with my friends, doing whatever. Am I growing up?

Well like it or not, I am, because I'm leaving for Ghana in a short 13 days for ten long weeks. Which I'm sure will go by in the blink of an eye – if and when I get there safely, that is. I've been having nightmares lately every time I go to sleep, nightmares about crazy taxi drivers who kidnap lone female tourists from the airport. What if that happens to me?? What if I get pickpocketed again, or worse – mugged? What if my luggage is lost? What if I'm lost?? What if, what if, what if...I'm terrified! Traveling in general stresses me out...and traveling to an absolutely foreign country by myself, where I will without a doubt stick out like a sore thumb, where I am bound to be overwhelmed by taxi drivers the minute I step out of that airport – drivers who will rip me off and make me pay absurd prices...

Confession: I'm scared to death.

Monday, March 19, 2012

I Am Man

Post #251: Dedicated to: I Wish; Stevie Wonder
Today I led two 1.5 hour tours of very large groups of people in the hot sunshine. I filed, I hosted, I dealt with a couple appointments and meetings, and finally got back to my room, ready to knock out. I was supposed to attend a talk at 4:30, and it was 3:50. Okay, Clara, I told myself. Just close your eyes for 15, 20 minutes, and you'll be good to go. My alarm woke me up around 4:15, but I was still so exhausted. I got my computer out, ready to send an email out to the Humanities Center, asking if the talk was going to be filmed and recorded and in the library so I could check it out and not actually have to attend (read: so I could go back to sleep), but decided against it. So I packed my bags and headed off.

And I'm so glad I did. I often forget about this, but every once in a while am reminded of it: intellectual stimulation is entirely captivating. Being surrounded by people with brilliant ideas and brilliant methods of portraying those ideas is so exciting and intriguing.

Today's guest was Hank Willis Thomas, photographer and visual artist extraordinaire. His talk is in conjunction with an art exhibit going on at my school, called "And The Winner Is..." The entire exhibition basically revolves around a giant skee-ball (Yes, skee-ball. Like what you used to play for tickets and prizes at Chuck-E-Cheese) competition between all 1,920 members of the Haverford community: students, faculty, staff, and guests. It's a truly fascinating project exploring at the entirety of competition and cooperation within a community, and I'm looking forward to playing a few rounds of skee-ball myself!

But back to Hank. Most of his works surround race and images, the notion of "branding" an image, and ideas of representation – how one "race" is represented by another, etc. His talk really made you think about yourself and your own pre-conceived notions of everything in the world. It made you look into yourself and see where you stand in the world, in our society. This is precisely one of the many reasons I love anthropology – because his talk was like a giant, anthropological microscope honing in on certain aspects of present-day culture and yourself as a human in that culture, questioning the validity, the logic, the reason behind why notions of "race" even exist in the world. Why? How? Who? When?

Not that anything ever gets answered, but it's the best feeling in the world to be intellectually stimulated, to have the chance to listen to and meet such artists and get a sense of why they do the work they do, to get a glimpse of their personal history.

I'd forgotten how enjoyable these lectures and talks could be, and you can bet that I'll be attending several more of the Monday afternoon series of artist talks while this exhibit is still going on.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Pencil vs. Camera

Post #250: Dedicated to: Call Your Girlfriend; Robyn

I wish I was half as talented as this guy!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Beautiful Monday

Post #249: Dedicated to: First Day of My Life; Bright Eyes
Today has been a wonderful day. I had to wake up early to head to the Admissions Office for my 9 am hosting shift, but the office was bustling with prospective students and parents who were curious and open-minded, who I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with. I also had a rather large tour group in the afternoon (and only my third tour, ever!) that went quite well – sometimes the thoughts you want to get out translate perfectly into coherent sentences. At the end, a mother and daughter I particularly connected with told me that this was now their favorite school, and I was far better than any other tour guide they'd ever had. Plus the weather outside was (is) fantastic: sun and high 60's all day long.

Suffice to say, it was a great day.

And then I called my mother, to ask her to send me a copy of my passport and some shoes I had accidentally left behind. I was in such a great mood, I told her all about my day and my tour and what a wonderful Monday it was so far, and she tells me (more or less): that's wonderful, but tour guide isn't so much what I'm concerned about; I'm really more concerned about your work and your grades.

Sometimes I really really really wish that me – just me, stripped of all academics – was enough.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring Fever

Post #248: Dedicated to: That Lonesome Road; James Taylor
(Someday I would like to invest in a vintage typewriter. Possibly just for decoration – if it works, it's a plus! Friends will be receiving some awesome typed letters.)

Back to school after a wonderful week in Boston for spring break. And, really, let's focus on that word one more time...SPRING. It hit above 60 at least twice during my stay in Boston, and this week it's supposed to be at least 70 degrees all week. I know spring technically doesn't start until March 20th...but it feels like there should be pinwheels in the grass already, like it's April and school's almost over.

But we're back to the grind, and I'm hoping a little spring break re-energization will help me be the most productive I can be.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Funday

Post #247: Dedicated to: Briefly; Better Than Ezra
"You can't design your life like a building, it doesn't work that way. You just have to live it and it will design itself. Listen to what the world is telling you to do and...take the leap."

- How I Met Your Mother, The Leap (2009)


Post #246: Dedicated to: Dred; by Harriet Beecher Stowe
I've been rather neglectful of this blog, my apologies! I've started a new art blog (or portfolio) for my paintings, drawings, photographs, creative musings...so go check it out if you haven't already!

There are so many thoughtful and meaningful blog posts I've been meaning to make, but I forget to write them down so I don't remember what it was I wanted to share with you all. Sad times. So I'll just go on with some current, random tidbits of my life.

- Spring break is exactly one week away and I can't WAIT to be in Boston again! M- and I will eat around the town. But actually.

- I was looking through study abroad pictures and I literally had to force myself to stop because I missed it so much. And I miss it a lot...there are so many moments I wish I could go back to. So many places I need to visit just one more time before I die.

- We are now in the season of Lent. Hmm.

- I've been going into Philly at least once a week (two weekends ago for brunch at Sabrina's, aka the most delicious brunch restaurant ever! last weekend for lunch at Fogo de Chao - aka all you can eat meat...so much meat... - and then catching up with A-), and I love it. After spending a semester in Copenhagen I really miss being in a big city and having the ability to walk around everywhere. Plus there's so much of Philly (although it's quite a small city) that I haven't yet explored! Tomorrow I'm going ice skating with FAB and will stay in the city afterwards to eat something delicious with E-.

Lots coming up, lots go do. The first half of the semester really flew by. I'll be a senior before I know it...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bee Mine?

Post #245: Dedicated to: Misunderstood; Better than Ezra
Valentines for every history nerd out there.

Hope everyone had a happy V-day!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Post #244
It is Saturday night, and I am sitting here at my desk typing notes for an upcoming paper, re-reading through old articles for more information, and out of nowhere, I am struck with the overwhelming, rich influence in my life that is the written word.

Writing. "It is the process of discovery through language. It is the process of exploration of what we know and what we feel about what we know through language. It is the process of using language to learn about our world, to evaluate what we learn about our world, to communicate what we learn about our world."

Words are magic.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Post #243: Dedicated to: Hit or Miss; New Found Glory
Tonight, Will Shortz, the editor of the NY Times crossword puzzle, came to H-ford to give a talk. You know who he is – had a cameo on HIMYM, the Robots vs. Wrestlers episode! It's probably mildly sad that that is where I know him from.

In any case, the talk was awesome. He is awesome. I wish my mind worked like his does, with such a knack for words! Towards the end he played word games with the audience, splitting everyone up into 2 teams. I don't know if he came up with the questions and answers (which he probably did), but they were quite clever and ingenious. Ucalegon is also his favorite word – it means a neighbor whose house is on fire (K-, I thought you'd appreciate that one. New word of the day?)

Thus starts the beginning of a hopefully great weekend, even though the Lakers are currently getting their butts kicked by Jeremy Lin.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Midnight Snacks

Post #242: Dedicated to: Countdown; Beyonce

I just discovered a website that made mosaics out of instagram photos I uploaded, so this post is largely just to share that mosaic. Today's theme? Food, but of course! Most of the food happenings occurred over break, but some of them didn't make it onto my facebook so I thought I'd share here. Wish the photo was larger, though!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Float On

Post #241: Dedicated to: Cosmic Love; Florence and the Machines
Yesterday, we had 'skirts rehearsal until midnight, working our voices and trying to remember choreography to look good for the ICCAs.

Yesterday, I stayed up 'till 5 brainstorming, outlining, and taking notes for a précis due today at 5pm.

Yesterday, I went to sleep with a sore throat, and woke up with one this morning.

But none of that matters, because it seems like in everything that I do now that I've come back from study abroad, I have a fresh perspective. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true. So I've got a paper due. So what? I'm still going to chat with my friends for half an hour at midnight when I should really be working. I'm still going to upload videos to youtube and listen to some Florence. I'm going to do all of those things, and I'll still get my work done. In the meantime, I'm just trying to collect more memories. Schoolwork is not the end of the world, and it's high time I realized it.

Today, F- and I made a trip to Suburban Square and bought so many beautiful little things at Papersource, snacks at Trader Joe's, and the most delicious cupcakes and Chinese food at the Farmer's market. I really couldn't be happier right now.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

As Fast As You Can

Post #240: Dedicated to: Sawdust Man; Ben Kweller
"The great moments of your life won't necessarily be the things you do, they'll also be the things that happen to you. Now, I'm not saying you can't take action to affect the outcome of your life, you have to take action, and you will. But never forget that on any day, you can step out the front door and your whole life can change forever. You see, the universe has a plan, kids, and that plan is always in motion. A butterfly flaps its wings, and it starts to rain. It's a scary thought but it's also kind of wonderful. All these little parts of the machine constantly working, making sure that you end up exactly where you're supposed to be, exactly when you're supposed to be there. The right place at the right time."

- How I Met Your Mother, Right Place Right Time (2009)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Soul Sisters

Post #239: Dedicated to: Ghost; Ingrid Michaelson
Monday night, I had the pleasure of going into Philly to eat dinner with A- and then go to an Ingrid Michaelson concert.

It was a fantastic night.

Last year, spring semester, A- and I saw each other every single day without fail. Whether we were singing together for Outskirts or grabbing an early dinner or working in Admissions or chilling in her room or going to Starbucks or working late into the night in Zubrow, we hung out all the time. I missed that and her so much while abroad, and it was so so so wonderful to see her again. It's weird being here without her, but my only consolation is that she is just a short train ride away in Philly.

And Ingrid Michaelson...oh goodness. She is so supremely talented and a pretty funny entertainer, too. It was a short concert – only an hour – during which she sang the songs off her new album, Human Again, which we got a free copy of after the show!

Nights like these remind me of how lucky I am, and what a great city Philadelphia truly is.

To more soul sister bonding.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Why I Write

Post #238: Dedicated to: Summer is Over; Jon McLaughlin feat. Sara Bareilles
"I write to make peace with the things I cannot control. I write to create fabric in a world that often appears black and white. I write to discover. I write to uncover. I write to meet my ghosts. I write to begin a dialogue. I write to imagine things differently and in imagining things differently perhaps the world will change. I write to honor beauty. I write to correspond with my friends. I write as a daily act of improvisation. I write because it creates my composure. I write against power and for democracy. I write myself out of my nightmares and into my dreams. I write in a solitude born out of community. I write to the questions that shatter my sleep. I write to the answers that make me complacent. I write to remember. I write to forget. I write to the music that opens my heart. I write to quell the pain. I write with the patience of melancholy in winter. I write because it allows me to confront that which I do not know. I write as an act of faith. I write as an act of slowness. I write to record what I love in the face of loss. I write because it makes me less fearful of death. I write as an exercise in pure joy. I write as one who walks on the surface of a frozen river beginning to melt. I write out of my anger and into my passion. I write from the stillness of night anticipating -- always anticipating. I write to listen. I write out of silence. I write to soothe the voices shouting inside me, outside me, all around me. I write because I believe in words. I write because it is a dance with paradox. I write because you can play on the page like a child left alone in sand. I write because it is the way I take long walks. I write because I believe it can create a path in darkness. I write with a knife, carving each word from the generosity of trees. I write as ritual. I write out of my inconsistencies. I write with the colors of memory. I write as a witness to what I have seen. I write as witness to what I imagine. I write by grace and grit. I write for the love of ideas. I write for the surprise of a sentence. I write with the belief of alchemists. I write knowing I will always fail. I write knowing words always fall short. I write knowing I can be killed by own words, stabbed by syntax, crucified by understanding and misunderstanding. I write past the embarrassment of exposure. I trust nothing especially myself and slide head first into the familiar abyss of doubt and humiliation and threaten to push the delete button on my way down, or madly erase each line, pick up the paper and rip it into shreds -- and then I realize it doesn't matter, words are always a gamble, words are splinters from cut glass. I write because it is dangerous, a bloody risk, like love, to form the words, to say the words, to touch the source, to be touched, to reveal how vulnerable we are, how transient. I write as though I am whispering in the ear of the one I love."

- Terry Tempest Williams.

Why do you write?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Get Set Go

Post #237: Dedicated to: Walk in the Park; Beach House
Aaaaand, we're back.

It's so good to be back and to see all of my old friends, but at the same time it's tough. It's tough going to upper level seminar classes and being intimidated almost to death by my brilliant classmates.

Still, though. It looks to be a promising semester. One with tons of reading (especially lots of the densest social, anthropological theorists you can imagine) and writing (so many papers in every class...on the upside – no final exams!) and plenty of meetings and planning and organizing and singing and tours and hosting and such little sleep.

Am I ready?

Maybe, maybe not.

At the very least, I'm more than ready to cheer/heckle/scream for the basketball boys during tonight's Swat game, where Swat will inevitably be crushed with their egos melted into a puddle of sweat on the court, as is the case year after year.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Post #236: Dedicated to: Sweeter; Gavin DeGraw
I leave in a few short days for school again, and I am both excited and terrified to be back. Excited because I've missed everyone so much – the Outskirts, the Admissions office, FAB, my good ole' friends – but terrified because I'm going to be knee-deep in work for the next year and a half. And not just work, but hard, demanding work. Work that's inevitably going to result in a lot of emotional, mental, and physical breakdowns; work that is going to be exhausting and draining; work that means little to no sleep. It's going to be so much harder than anything I encountered in Denmark, and for that I'm terrified.

But I'm still so excited to be back.

In other news, check this out – it'll give you insight into what my upcoming internship in Ghana will be all about!

Friday, January 6, 2012

The History of Love

Post #235

I can't even describe it. I don't even know where to start.

It just builds up. It builds up inside me until it feels like I'm going to explode. It builds up inside me like it's suffocating. It builds up inside me like it needs to escape.

But it's not bad. It's neither bad nor good.

It's a feeling of the book's magnificence. It's importance. It's excellence.

It's so good that I can't seem to contain whatever emotions in my mind, or in my body. It's so good that I feel like someone, something is obstructing the blood vessels to and from my heart.

There's something about it.

It's just so. good.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Yes, Please!

Post #234: Dedicated to: After Midnight; Blink-182
Being home means I get to do wonderful things like make homemade marshmallows with M-!
It was quite fun! Well, I mostly just watched...and then dried dishes at the end of the night.
We used Alton Brown's recipe to make these vanilla flavored marshmallows – they were a bit too vanilla-y, and M-'s mom thought the vanilla extract should be replaced with real vanilla beans, and I wholeheartedly agree. It was still delicious, though!
The little marshmallow cubes were so fun. They're just so jiggly and cheerful on the tray! It was fun to poke them, and coating them/tapping off the powdered sugar was a joyful task.

M-'s mom spent a lot of time upon completion looking up ways to tweak the recipe – there are a ton of ideas out there. Peppermint marshmallows, mocha marshmallows, chocolate marshmallows, marshmallows cut into cute shapes...the list goes on and on.

Seriously, though. You should make your own marshmallows! They're sooooooo much better than the store-bought ones, and they weren't hard to make at all! Although you do need a stand mixer – apparently the motor will burn out on hand-held ones...which unfortunately means I will be unable to make these at my own home. (I'm waiting to invest in a fun-colored kitchen-aid stand mixer until I move into my own place!)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Day After Tomorrow

Post #233: Dedicated to: Life in Color; OneRepublic


Hope, Hope, Hope.


And lots of it.

Here's to a spectacular 2012. (If only because of the 2012 Summer Olympics and Michael Phelps.)