Friday, April 22, 2011


Post #173: Dedicated to: Atonement; Ian McEwan

Atonement is such an amazing book. I've only gone through Part 1, but I think it might be my new favorite book. You know how in a lot of novels, there is so much excess? So many words and sentences that are just fluff, that can be taken out and the plot/meaning/context/mood/tone won't change at all. Well not in Atonement. I don't know how it's possible, but every single word is important. Every single sentence is crucial. I love reading it. So good. So so so good. I highly recommend it.

Today was rough. Actually, this week was rough, in case you all couldn't tell. (In that vein, sorry if I haven't been communicating much.) But hey, it's over! I mean, yeah, there's still a ton of work to be done and finals to prepare for...but tonight I'm giving myself a break and going to sleep before midnight (hopefully)!!!! I've got a full 8 hours of sleep, glorious, magnificent sleep, ahead of me.

Today's thankfuls:
- Wonderful friends like A- who thoroughly edit my papers and help me realize what my argument is missing, or what my argument has been all along, although never explicitly stated.
- Good Friday. We had to participate as part of the "crowd" during the gospel, and just having to take on this role and saying the words - "crucify him, crucify him" made me feel sick. Never forget how much God loves us, how much Jesus suffered on the cross for us, and how sinful and undeserving we are.
- Being on FAB. Legopalooza stuff.

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