Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Post #229: Dedicated to: Shameless

1. I am a private person.
2. I am an emotional person.
3. But those emotions are bottled up and within a day they dissolve, and I'm back to being a private, locked-up box whose key has been thrown in the Pacific Ocean.
4. Exception: moments when those raw feelings are blurted out on this blog. Exhibit A: my last post.

It feels really good to be home. So good that I really don't miss Denmark very much at all. Some people, maybe. Foosball, yes. But being home trumps being in Denmark at the moment. That is just how I feel.

I see study abroad friends posting on facebook about how much they want to go back, how much America sucks, and I can't help but wonder if there's something wrong with me. If I should be feeling like them. If I didn't get as much out of studying abroad as they did. If the whole last semester was a waste of time and money. If I would have been just fine not going abroad fall semester. If I even enjoyed my time abroad very much at all. If I could have, should have done things differently while I was there. If I should have made more of an effort to get close to people. If I should have made more of an effort to get to know the Danes. If it was worth it.

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