Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Dreams

Post 110: Dedicated to: Bad Girl Good Girl; Miss A

(Happy Birthday to D- and F-!

Two of my favorite people in the world who, consequently, make up like 1/3 of my blog readership. You guys rock and are wonderful, and I hope you have/had fantabulous days! No more teens for you both!)

When you really want something to happen, or are super excited for something going on the next day, do you ever dream about it?

It happens to me all the time. I think the very first time it happened, I was probably a freshman in high school. S- and I had made plans to go shopping (yeah, plans to go shopping...not such a big deal now, when I can drive myself over to the mall whenever I want...but they were absolutely a big deal back then, when my mother had to be my chaperone. Plus, I had no money to shop. So I had to save up for a while, and thus did not go shopping very often. Oh, how things have changed...damn you, and your free 2-day shipping.) and I was so very stoked. I made a list of everything I wanted to get, and also estimated prices, so as to not spend all of my money. We made a list of stores we wanted to hit and places to possibly eat during. It was going to be awesome.

That night, I dreamt about going to the mall. Now, I hadn't been to the mall in my town in a while, and I knew things at the mall had changed, although I didn't quite know how. So in my dream, the mall was weird. And not like any mall I've been to before. To enter one of the stores, I had to go down this really long, winding ramp into a room that was dark and weird. Not creepy...just weird. I can't remember now if that dream was that fulfilling or not...but I can tell you that the shopping trip probably wasn't awesome. Good, but not awesome.

But anyway, fast forward 5 years and here I am today, still dreaming about things that I'm looking forward. Which, last night, was a snow day. Yes. A snow day. It had been crazy snowing steadily since, like, 6 p.m. Luckily, I had eaten an early dinner and was already in my room when the snow hit. But I was making several trips to the basement (5 flights of stairs. Kills me each time.) to do laundry, move clothes to the dryer, get clothes...etc. Every time I passed the first floor, someone would hurriedly walk in, shivering and completely covered in snow. Rumor had it, we were getting 6-8, maybe even 10?!? inches of snow.

So, since snow days happened once or twice last year, I, yess, maybe my professors will cancel classes! Especially since two of my professors live off-campus, and it would probably be a hassle to drive over because of snow-ridden streets and traffic. Mind you, I only have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3 back-to-back, hour and half classes. And not that I don't love my classes...but snow days are just awesome.

So as I was dropping in and out of sleep starting around 7 a.m. (I guess I was just too excited for my snow day I initially woke up so early, which never happens), I was dropping in and out of dreams. I dreamt that there was, indeed, a snow day, so all my classes – and work – were cancelled. It was awesome, but weird and didn't make sense in that way dreams usually are.

But, alas. No professors cancelled classes. I trudged to three back-to-back hour and half long classes from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Didn't have time to eat breakfast (just grabbed an apple and banana), which was a huge mistake and not one to be repeated.

Dreams. Dreams that don't usually come true in the morning. So weird.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so the secret is out that I don't actually read your blog everyday but stockpile them so I can enjoy them all at once.

    I am so, so honored to have a birthday shoutout on your blog! You are the bestest ever, Clarebear. For reals. <3
