I have major, major, major sleeping issues. Like...last night, I slept about...9-10 hours. Which you'd think would be plenty, right? Wrong.
Today, I tutored someone in algebra 2 for two hours, then proceeded to the parking lot of the library only to find that my car's battery was dead. Yeah. Great times. So then we waited for AAA to come and jump-start it. And all was well. So it was kind of sort of a long day.
Then I came home, ate, did nothing for a little bit...and...*drumroll please*
...headed back to sleep.
For five hours. Five. Hours.
Like I said, I have sleeping issues. That I need to work on for the school year, otherwise I'm just going to go crazy. Or I'll already be crazy. Preferably...neither.
Psych messed me up. I can think of at least two psychological disorders to go with your sleeping habits. Let's hang out so you sleep less. Oooh. On the water sleepover will deprive you of sleep in no time.