Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cool Down

Post #43

These twice a day posts are too much.

Working out is cooling down, and cooling down is slowing my emotions. You run, you think, you cool off. For someone with such a quick temper, I need that in my life.

Sometimes I hate you. I can't stand the fact that we're related, that we came from the same womb, that you are older and I am younger. Sometimes I wonder if you're adopted - and then I wonder if I'm adopted.

When will you stop being so selfish? When will you stop being so lazy? When will you stop spending our parents' hard-earned money with no qualms whatsoever? When will you start sharing, start putting aside your own feelings, start sacrificing your time for others? When?

You take thousand dollar trips to foreign countries each summer, while I worry about finding a job to support myself. You're sleeping on the couch in your boxers while I wake up early to help Mom open the store. You're still sleeping when I get back. You refuse to pick me up from a friend's house that is a one minute drive away - while you sit at home playing world of warcraft. It's too much.

T-, sometimes I hate you. Sometimes I can't stand you. I have to love you because you're family, but I don't like you. I wouldn't be your friend, now that I know what you're really like.

You're 20 years old. Act like it.

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