Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Post #27

We've been over this. I really like food. I really like eating. Yes, I might be slightly picky here and there, but put a delicious plate of food in front of me and I'll most likely eat it. Most likely. (Summer vacation in Italy...antipasto is NOT my favorite. Cheese, olives, and prosciutto? No, thanks. And yes, I had to google that spelling. My first attempt had me at: broschuto. Hey, spell it like it sounds!)

So it's a shame that the dining center food so truly sucks. I would be posting pictures of delicious things I want to cook when I get home, but my stomach is already rumbling as it is. So I won't.

I am sitting here attempting to study for an upcoming psychology exam...and instead, I'm thinking of cheesesteaks. Buffalo chicken nuggets and fries. The World's Best Burger at Shake Shack, NYC. Hungry ninja. Chipotle burritos. Mmm, Chipotle. I'd even settle for a smoothie at Juice it Up. Stone Oven bread. Sushi, chicken teriyaki, steak & mashed potatoes, breakfast burritos, the best french dip sandwich I ever had at Kate Mantilini's, stir-fried udon, chicken fried rice, meat sauce spaghetti and meatballs, korean food, Chipotle, french toast, buffalo chicken dip, buffalo wings, frozen yogurt, Celeste pizza, frosted flakes, pineapples, carrot cake muffins...

I'm starving. And it's almost midnight.

Not good.

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