Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Funday

Post #247: Dedicated to: Briefly; Better Than Ezra
"You can't design your life like a building, it doesn't work that way. You just have to live it and it will design itself. Listen to what the world is telling you to do and...take the leap."

- How I Met Your Mother, The Leap (2009)


Post #246: Dedicated to: Dred; by Harriet Beecher Stowe
I've been rather neglectful of this blog, my apologies! I've started a new art blog (or portfolio) for my paintings, drawings, photographs, creative go check it out if you haven't already!

There are so many thoughtful and meaningful blog posts I've been meaning to make, but I forget to write them down so I don't remember what it was I wanted to share with you all. Sad times. So I'll just go on with some current, random tidbits of my life.

- Spring break is exactly one week away and I can't WAIT to be in Boston again! M- and I will eat around the town. But actually.

- I was looking through study abroad pictures and I literally had to force myself to stop because I missed it so much. And I miss it a lot...there are so many moments I wish I could go back to. So many places I need to visit just one more time before I die.

- We are now in the season of Lent. Hmm.

- I've been going into Philly at least once a week (two weekends ago for brunch at Sabrina's, aka the most delicious brunch restaurant ever! last weekend for lunch at Fogo de Chao - aka all you can eat much meat... - and then catching up with A-), and I love it. After spending a semester in Copenhagen I really miss being in a big city and having the ability to walk around everywhere. Plus there's so much of Philly (although it's quite a small city) that I haven't yet explored! Tomorrow I'm going ice skating with FAB and will stay in the city afterwards to eat something delicious with E-.

Lots coming up, lots go do. The first half of the semester really flew by. I'll be a senior before I know it...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bee Mine?

Post #245: Dedicated to: Misunderstood; Better than Ezra
Valentines for every history nerd out there.

Hope everyone had a happy V-day!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Post #244
It is Saturday night, and I am sitting here at my desk typing notes for an upcoming paper, re-reading through old articles for more information, and out of nowhere, I am struck with the overwhelming, rich influence in my life that is the written word.

Writing. "It is the process of discovery through language. It is the process of exploration of what we know and what we feel about what we know through language. It is the process of using language to learn about our world, to evaluate what we learn about our world, to communicate what we learn about our world."

Words are magic.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Post #243: Dedicated to: Hit or Miss; New Found Glory
Tonight, Will Shortz, the editor of the NY Times crossword puzzle, came to H-ford to give a talk. You know who he is – had a cameo on HIMYM, the Robots vs. Wrestlers episode! It's probably mildly sad that that is where I know him from.

In any case, the talk was awesome. He is awesome. I wish my mind worked like his does, with such a knack for words! Towards the end he played word games with the audience, splitting everyone up into 2 teams. I don't know if he came up with the questions and answers (which he probably did), but they were quite clever and ingenious. Ucalegon is also his favorite word – it means a neighbor whose house is on fire (K-, I thought you'd appreciate that one. New word of the day?)

Thus starts the beginning of a hopefully great weekend, even though the Lakers are currently getting their butts kicked by Jeremy Lin.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Midnight Snacks

Post #242: Dedicated to: Countdown; Beyonce

I just discovered a website that made mosaics out of instagram photos I uploaded, so this post is largely just to share that mosaic. Today's theme? Food, but of course! Most of the food happenings occurred over break, but some of them didn't make it onto my facebook so I thought I'd share here. Wish the photo was larger, though!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Float On

Post #241: Dedicated to: Cosmic Love; Florence and the Machines
Yesterday, we had 'skirts rehearsal until midnight, working our voices and trying to remember choreography to look good for the ICCAs.

Yesterday, I stayed up 'till 5 brainstorming, outlining, and taking notes for a précis due today at 5pm.

Yesterday, I went to sleep with a sore throat, and woke up with one this morning.

But none of that matters, because it seems like in everything that I do now that I've come back from study abroad, I have a fresh perspective. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true. So I've got a paper due. So what? I'm still going to chat with my friends for half an hour at midnight when I should really be working. I'm still going to upload videos to youtube and listen to some Florence. I'm going to do all of those things, and I'll still get my work done. In the meantime, I'm just trying to collect more memories. Schoolwork is not the end of the world, and it's high time I realized it.

Today, F- and I made a trip to Suburban Square and bought so many beautiful little things at Papersource, snacks at Trader Joe's, and the most delicious cupcakes and Chinese food at the Farmer's market. I really couldn't be happier right now.