Post #241: Dedicated to: Cosmic Love; Florence and the Machines
Yesterday, we had 'skirts rehearsal until midnight, working our voices and trying to remember choreography to look good for the ICCAs.
Yesterday, I stayed up 'till 5 brainstorming, outlining, and taking notes for a précis due today at 5pm.
Yesterday, I went to sleep with a sore throat, and woke up with one this morning.
But none of that matters, because it seems like in everything that I do now that I've come back from study abroad, I have a fresh perspective. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true. So I've got a paper due. So what? I'm still going to chat with my friends for half an hour at midnight when I should really be working. I'm still going to upload videos to youtube and listen to some Florence. I'm going to do all of those things, and I'll still get my work done. In the meantime, I'm just trying to collect more memories. Schoolwork is not the end of the world, and it's high time I realized it.
Today, F- and I made a trip to Suburban Square and bought so many beautiful little things at Papersource, snacks at Trader Joe's, and the most delicious cupcakes and Chinese food at the Farmer's market. I really couldn't be happier right now.