Post #239: Dedicated to: Ghost; Ingrid Michaelson

Monday night, I had the pleasure of going into Philly to eat dinner with A- and then go to an Ingrid Michaelson concert.
It was a fantastic night.
Last year, spring semester, A- and I saw each other every single day without fail. Whether we were singing together for Outskirts or grabbing an early dinner or working in Admissions or chilling in her room or going to Starbucks or working late into the night in Zubrow, we hung out all the time. I missed that and her so much while abroad, and it was so so so wonderful to see her again. It's weird being here without her, but my only consolation is that she is just a short train ride away in Philly.
And Ingrid Michaelson...oh goodness. She is so supremely talented and a pretty funny entertainer, too. It was a short concert – only an hour – during which she sang the songs off her new album, Human Again, which we got a free copy of after the show!
Nights like these remind me of how lucky I am, and what a great city Philadelphia truly is.
To more soul sister bonding.