Friday, February 25, 2011

Fab Five Fridays

Post #123: Dedicated to: The Creep; Lonely Island

Yes, I know this gets done often, on any random day of the week. But I'm going to do Fab Five Friday, because Fridays are awesome it'll force me to look back on my week and point out good memories, especially in a week like this one.

So without ado:

1) Haverford v. Swarthmore basketball on Saturday, 75-52. Standing packed in a crowd of drunk spectators stomping, clapping, cheering and yelling "if you're losing and you know it clap your hands," "aaaiiiiiirrrrr baaaallllllll" and "SWAT SUCKS" ? Wouldn't have missed it for the world.

2) Bowling on Tuesday...with the bumpers up. Did I bowl spectacularly better? Ha. No. I think there's something wrong with my wrist hurts when I let go of the ball. That probably shouldn't happen. But there's only one more day of bowling left! I need to break 100!

3) Ordering Tiffin after bowling. Indian food...freakin' delicious.

4) Learning basic HTML editing from A-. It was fairly fascinating, to be honest, and now I kind of know how to make my own website! Life skillz, yo.

5) Getting to watch How I Met Your Mother this afternoon after a loooong week of no sleep. The best ever.

Stay tuned for next Friday!

Ode to Borders

Post #122: Dedicated to: Blue Skies Again; Jessica Lea Mayfield

The only Borders in my hometown is closing. I don't know why that makes me so sad.

Maybe it's because for my 16th birthday, my friends at church pooled together their money and bought me a $160 gift card for Borders, which was all used up within a month. Maybe it's because Seattle's Best Coffee had the best hot chocolate in the world. Maybe it's because I could and would spend hours perusing the Paperchase section. Maybe it's because before or after every movie, I'd walk into Borders - without agenda, just walking around - and more often than not, leave with a new book in hand. Maybe it's because every time I was home for break, I couldn't wait to go to Borders to use my coupons for a new read. Maybe it's because when I was so frustrated the Lakers were losing the championship game, the first place I went to was Borders to buy Commencement. Maybe it's because I bought a new school planner there every year. Maybe it's because of those sparkly llamas or miniature Christmas trees and ornaments I promised I'd buy next holiday season. Maybe it's because the first and only time I ever won something - the first spot in line for Breaking Dawn - happened at a midnight release party in that Borders.

It seems stupid, I know. But if home is where the heart is, my home was Borders. That Borders, the one next to the movie theater and Tilt, the one that made you get a token from the front desk if you wanted to use the bathroom, the one with the beautifully crafted versions of classic literature. Where I went to waste time. Where I went to spend time. Where I went to love time.

Bye, Borders. I'll miss you.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Pot #121: Dedicated to: Mr. Sunshine

I'm so terrified of making a mistake, of regretting my decisions. I feel like I've got the whole weight of the world on my shoulders, and I just can't figure out what to do. I can't figure out who to talk to, because ultimately this decision needs to be my own. Maybe i'm exaggerating, or maybe others won't think it's as serious as I do, but it is to me. This is how I feel right now, because this is my future. If I screw up once, that's it. I won't get a second chance. So I have to make the right decision.

Someone who knows me better than I know myself...just tell me what to do.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Standing in the Audience

Post #120: Dedicated to: Jar of Hearts; Christina Perri
I am an awkward concert-goer.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love dancing to top 40s hits. Why "Dynamite" plays, I'll be the first one to throw my hands up in the air.

But when I'm standing in the audience of a concert at a small venue? It's pretty awkward. What am I supposed to do with my arms? Cross them? But then I seem like the lame, stuck-up concert-goer who thinks she's too cool for the music. Hold a beer? No, thanks. And what if the music's not really something you can sing along or dance along to? Bop my head ever so slightly so I look like I'm enjoying myself? Stand there with my hands in the back pockets of my jeans looking, well, awkward? Close my eyes, smile, and pretend to let the music completely take over me like the hipster I can see out of the corner of my eye?

Nah. For the time being, I'm just going to have to live with being an awkward concert-goer.

Don't worry, you can spot me a mile away. I"ll be that girl, the one trying too hard but not trying hard enough.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Post #119: Dedicated to: (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman; Aretha Franklin

So perfectly whimsical, feminine, playful, soft, romantic, and fun. Love it.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Post #118: Dedicated to: Pour Some Sugar On Me; Def Leppard

Text message from Mom:

"Hi! Clara! Happy valentine's day! Don't worry! God will give wonderful man like ur mom."

My mother, in her broken English, worries more about my being single than I do. Wonderful.

Today was a sweet & sour combination of friends, homework, singing, Indian food, ice cream cake, and valentines. A good day.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

This Weekend

Post #117: Dedicated to: Rhythm of Love; Plain White T's


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Little Things

Post #116: Dedicated to: Start Again; Sam Tsui

Came upon this random blog through D-:

I thought I'd post a few of my (very many) favorites:

Oh my goodness...K- and M-, the minute I saw this one, I started cracking up. Oh man, how many car trips did we have over break when this was the case? Too many. But it's so true, best feeling in the world.
As a self-proclaimed pen snob...yes, a pen that works really well will just make my day.
I love being told "bless you" when I sneeze. And it bums me out when no one says anything. So next time, say "bless you" whenever anyone around you sneezes. Even if it's a stranger.
No explanation necessary. These bear hugs...the best.
I am currently writing someone a letter as I write this post. I love getting letters via snail mail just as much as I enjoy writing letters. If you would like a handwritten letter soon, let me know and I shall write you one!

So go peruse this blog at your own time. Because it will make you smile at the little things in life.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Text Messages

Post #115: Dedicated to: Carnival of the Animals; Saint-Saens

Upon hearing that I was sick in bed with a fever:

"Hi! Clara! I sent some snacks to you now. It takes 2-3 days. Mom & Dad pray for you a lot! God loves you always! Have a good evening! Take care. Clara! :)"

I love my mama and her text messages.

Monday, February 7, 2011

La Música

Post #114: Dedicated to: People Change; For King & Country

I have a love affair with music – music of all sorts. Music I've grown up with. Music I've learned to play. Music that I miss dearly. Every bone in my body and an unspeakable, gaping hole in my chest aches for this music again.

The music I have now is great...but something's missing. I just can't describe it. Something inside of me yearns for music again. Just to be completely by myself for eternity, playing and singing and listening to music. Or to be with others with this same joy and profound love of music. To create music that means something, that means everything in the world. A music that never fails to move you to tears or smiles or awe.

I miss that music.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Post #113: Dedicated to: Give Me Just One Night (Una Noche); 98 Degrees

Ever plan your entire outfit around one small accessory...say, a pair of earrings?

Why yes, yes I do.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Post #112

Life's pretty simple, actually. You might encounter a delicious turkey on wheat sandwich for lunch one day. You might hear a rockin' new song on the radio. You might knock out while watching a movie or reading a good book. You might see some friends, chat with family, take a stroll around the park, shiver in the snow.

It's all just simple – nothing more, nothing less.

Hi, February. It's been a long time.